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Being an audiophile or hi-fi enthusiast can be stressful at times. I share some advice in the form of my 3 biggest lessons I’ve learned after being in this business for nearly 20 years.
Is This The END of Sonos and Smart Speakers?
Sonos recently informed customers that some of their older products would no longer be supported via firmware or software updates. This set off a firestorm among customers and consumers alike. I weigh in on what this means for Sonos as well as smart tech going forward and whether or not either can weather the storm.
Audio Equipment Isn't Magic
Audio equipment, be it an amplifier, preamplifier, source, loudspeaker or even cable, isn’t made of magic. There is no real magic anywhere in the hi-fi and audiophile hobby, and yet if you talk to some enthusiasts you’d swear certain products were, in fact, magic. So who’s right?
Loudspeakers or Source Component, What is MOST Important?
What’s most important when putting together a hi-fi or audiophile system, is it the source component or your loudspeakers? I attempt to answer this age old question in my latest video.
Building a Beginner Audiophile System
Shopping for your first two-channel audio system can be daunting. I do my best to break it down and help you get started in my latest video inspired by a viewer letter.
Battling Hi-Fi Addiction
If you’re a hi-fi enthusiast or audiophile, chances are you’ve either experienced, or are currently going through some type of AV equipment addiction. I talk about what you can do to kick your dependence on gear, and get back to enjoying the music.