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Marantz NR1200 Stereo Receiver Review
Marantz releases a stereo receiver in the NR1200 complete with HDMI inputs, the latest wireless and smart home tech and that trademark Marantz sound audiophiles go ga-ga over.
Technics SU-G700 Stereo Integrated Amplifier Review
Technics returns to form with the release of their new SU-G700 stereo integrated amplifier. The G700 integrated amplifier has retro looks and decidedly modern sound, but is it what audiophiles want?
Crown Audio XLS DriveCore 2 Stereo Amplifier Review
Crown Audio’s XLS DriveCore 2 stereo amplifier may be a professional style amp and not one seen in a great many hi-fi and audiophile systems, but rest assured its performance is more high-end than a lot of amplifiers on the market today, including some costing 10 times as much.